Unclaimed Monies - June 2021
- Details
- Category: Press Release
- Created: 05 August 2021
Please be advised that account holders (owners) of listed unclaimed monies are required to make your claim to your respective banks within 3 months from the first date of this publication. In accordance with section 94 of the Banking Act 2020 states, that any remaining unclaimed funds and properties after three (3) months claim period have met its expiry date, shall be presumed to be abandoned funds or properties and any claim shall be addressed directly to the Minister of Finance and is subject to the approval of the Minister of Finance. Kindly note that advertisement cost will be deducted accordingly.
List of Unclaimed Monies 607 KB - Download a copy of the full list.
Financial Institutions Department
National Reserve Bank of Tonga
Fasi mo e Afi
Telephone: (676) 24057
Fax: (676) 24201
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