Banknotes & Coins Safe Keeping

Safe keeping our banknotes benefit us all. Banknotes is very important for our trading. Banknotes reflect the image of our country and they are part of our cultural heritage. To conserve them in good condition helps safeguard the image of Tonga.

The following precautions will help to prolong the lives of banknotes and maintain ideal characteristics for keeping them in circulation.

crumpling folding wallet

Keep your banknotes straight to help them last longer. Folding and crumpling damages the banknotes and reduces their lifespan. If possible, keep banknotes in wallet and purses. Wallets and purses prevent banknotes from being damaged and also help in keeping them clean.

cellotape stapled scissor

Do not apply cellotape or glue on any banknotes under any circumstances. Applying cellotape or glue on banknotes damages them and also destroys the look and feel. Also, do not stamp, staple, cut or pin any banknotes under any circumstances.

puncher stamp writing

Store banknotes and coins in cool and dry places. Water, moisture, chemical product, excessive heat and dirt will damage the banknotes and coins. Do not hide coins at home. If you hide them away, the country will be short of coins to use.


Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to make a complete banknote out of any pieces of banknotes. Return them to the Reserve Bank for exchange as soon as possible.

Also exchange soiled and worn-out banknotes and coins with new mint currency from the Reserve Bank.

Defacement of Currency Banknotes

Part V, Section 23 of the National Reserve Bank of Tonga Act states:


- No person shall, without the authority of the Bank, deface any currency by means of any writing, printing, erasing, stamp or mark.

- Any person contravening the provisions of this section shall be guilty of any offence and liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $50,000 or imprisonment for not exceeding 5 years or both.

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