Legal Department

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National Reserve Bank of Tonga Act

National Reserve Bank of Tonga Regulations

Financial Institutions Department

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Bank License

Financial Institutions

Financial Markets Department

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Foreign Exchange Control

Financial Intelligence Unit Department

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Transaction Reporting Authority

Money Laundering

Download: Exchange Control Policy Guidelines, July 2018 Revision

The Foreign Exchange Control Act 2018 assigns the authority to the National Reserve Bank of Tonga over sending money and securities out of Tonga.

The exchange control documentary requirements guideline is issued by the Reserve Bank for use by banks and authorized restricted foreign exchange dealers under the Foreign Exchange Control Act.

These guidelines were introduced by the Reserve Bank to provide a level playing field in the foreign exchange market, improve the consistency of the exchange control process in the financial system, improve the accuracy of balance of payments statistics and assist with the protection of the country’s foreign reserves.

The exchange control documentary requirements list the type of supporting documents that banks and authorized restricted foreign exchange dealers are required to sight for all foreign exchange outward payments. Banks and authorized restricted foreign exchange dealers have been delegated to approve: 

1. All payments of amounts up to T$100,000 per transaction except for gifts payments which are limited for amounts up to T$50,000 per applicant per beneficiary per annum, and the payments under the ‘Other EC Requirements’.
2. Travel allowance payments are limited for amounts up to T$20,000 per application.
3. The banks and authorized restricted foreign exchange dealers have been delegated to approve all payments of amounts up to T$5,000 per transaction per applicant without supporting documents, except for those under the ‘Other EC Requirements’. The Reserve Bank reserves the right to ask for any other information.
4. All payments above the delegated limit require the prior approval of the Reserve Bank.

For the purpose of ensuring compliance with the Exchange Control Policy Guideline, the Reserve Bank in accordance with Section 11(3) of the Foreign Exchange Control Act 2018, impose administrative penalties on an authorised person which may not exceed $10,000, and in the case of continuing contravention, an additional penalty which may not exceed $2,000 for every day during which such contravention continues.

Furthermore, in accordance with Section 29 of the Exchange Control Act 2018, a person who commits an offence against this Act shall be liable on conviction (i) in the case of an individual to a fine not exceeding $10,000 (or, if the offence is a continuing one, to a fine not exceeding $1,000 for every day during which the offence continues) or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or both (ii) in the case of a body corporate to a fine not exceeding $200,000 or if the offence is a continuing one, to a fine not exceeding $2,000 for every day during which the offence continues.

The Reserve Bank reserves the right to conduct due diligence checks on applicants, require further information, and may not approve any application that does not comply with its Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing requirements.

It should also be noted that tax clearance requirements for payments are imposed and monitored by the Ministry of Revenue & Customs.

National Reserve Bank of Tonga
July 2018

nrbt bannerHis Majesty King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV laid the foundation stone of the new building on May 8, 1993.

Our History

The NRBT was first housed on the third floor of the Royco Building in Central Nuku’alofa. The bank started with 6 staff members. Because of the absence of proper storage room for the notes and coins, these values were temporarily stored in the vaults of the Treasury (Ministry of Finance Building). In the meantime, the NRBT started preparations for the construction of its own office building.

According to the National Reserve Bank of Tonga Act, the NRBT must have its office in Nuku’alofa. There were two options: build the office on;

- land between the post office and the Bank of Tonga (now Bank of South Pacific) or
- a more spacious plot of land on Queen Salote Road.

Due to its better accessibility, the choice fell on the second option. The foundation stone of the building was laid by the late King Taufa’ahau Tupou IV on May 8, 1993. The construction lasted around 15 months and His Majesty opened the new building on April 21, 1994.

The original authorized capital of the NRBT was $2,000,000 pa'anga, of which $1,000,000 million was paid up until 2007 when authorized capital was increased to $5 million by the NRBT (Amendment Act) 2007. The Government owns all capital stock.

Our Objectives

As stated in the National Reserve Bank of Tonga (Amendment) Act, 2014, the principal objectives of the Bank;

1. shall be to maintain internal and external monetary stability.

2. Without prejudice to its principal objective, the Bank -

a. shall promote financial stability; and
b. promote a sound and efficient financial system;

3. Subject to subsections (1) and (2), the Bank shall conduct its activities in a manner that supports macroeconomic stability and economic growth.

The National Reserve Bank of Tonga (NRBT) is the central bank of Tonga. The Reserve Bank is responsible for regulating the issue and supply of domestic and international currency, as well as promoting monetary stability and economic development. The bank was established on July 1, 1989. It is the mission of the Bank;

to formulate and implement sound monetary policy that is conducive to economic prosperity; promote stable and efficient financial system, external stability and effective payment systems through professionalism and independence.

And the vision of the Bank;

to be an effective and dynamic central bank in promoting Tonga's economic prosperity.

It is of the utmost importance to remind the staff of the National Reserve Bank of Tonga, that they have a responsibility to conduct themselves with a high level of integrity, to strive for excellence in whatever task they perform. Every staff is bond by our own Terms of Condition and each staff must embodies the following values in their behaviour, their work and daily routines to assist the Bank in pursuing its mission.

Tongan values are not just words: they are the essence of how we interact with each another. Our values act as a compass, guiding our progress towards the well-being of every Tongan citizen.

1. We embrace Christian Values & Integrity 

  • We embody Christian values in our professional conduct, exercising sound judgment.
  • Our integrity is our foundation. We commit to doing what is right, matching our actions with our words.
  • We care deeply about our staff and the people of Tonga. We focus upon their well-being to do better for the Kingdom.

2. We are One Team, Embracing Excellence.

  • We work together as a team to become a more effective central bank.
  • We deliver quality by working together, seeking diverse perspectives, and focusing upon disciplined implementation.
  • We believe in our role as an independent central bank.
  • We are transparent, accountable, and connected to all aspects of Tongan national policy.

3. We Work to Improve Performance and to Innovate.

  • We continuously seek improvement, fostering innovation in all that we do.

4. We Work with Respect and Humility, Aligned with the National Culture of Tonga.

  • We value honesty, conviction, humility, and respect in all our interactions.
  • We fearlessly confront difficult questions, remaining open to listening, adapting, and learning as we progress towards our goals.

The Prudential Statements set out the minimum standards which banks should adopt for managing of risks. The Prudential Statements are also intended to provide banks and other interested parties with an understanding of the Reserve Bank’s banking supervision framework. In its approach to the supervision of banks, the Reserve Bank takes the view that it is the prime responsibility of each bank’s board and management to establish policies and procedures to prudently manage the bank’s business. The board and management are responsible for assessing the risks in the activities the bank undertakes and continually monitoring and controlling those risks.

Prudential Statement No.1
Revised 2012

Prudential Statement No.2
Revised 2012

Prudential Statement No.3
Revised March 2017

Prudential Statement No.4
Revised March 2017

Prudential Statement No.5
Revised 2012

Prudential Statement No.6
Revised 2017

Prudential Statement No.7
Revised March 2017

Prudential Statement No.8
Revised 2014

Prudential Statement No.9
Revised 2014

Prudential Statement No.10
Revised March 2017

Prudential Statement No.11
Revised 2017

Prudential Statement No.12
Revised 2019

Credit Bureau Licensing Requirements



Bank Licensing Requirements

View Document

Form 1 : License Application Form

View Document

Form 2 : Bio Data Sheet - Shareholders

View Document

Form 3 : Bio Data Sheet - Directors

View Document

Form 4 : Business Plan

View Document

Senior Executives

NRBT Jessie

Ms. Jessie Cocker
Deputy Governor


Ms. 'Ungatea Latu
Assistant Governor - Policy



Mr. Lata Tangimana
Assistant Governor - Operations

Chief Managers


Mrs. Mefilina Tohi
Chief Manager Economics


Mr. Daniel Taumoepeau
Chief Manager Financial Markets


Mrs. Teisa Tongia
Chief Manager Internal Audit & Quality Assurance


Mr. Tēvita Kolokihakaufisi
Chief Manager Building & Property


Mrs. 'Olivina 'Aholelei
Chief Manager Financial Intelligence


Mrs. Kasaline Lolohea
Chief Manager Information Technology & Human Resources


Mrs. Lupe Ma'u
Chief  Manager Finance


Mr. Teau 'Isitolo
Head of Security

Senior Managers


Ms. Nanuma Fakatava
Senior Manager Financial Markets


Mr. Viliami 'Akau'ola
Senior Manager Banks & Non-Banks


Ms. Pōlini Jennings
Senior Manager Building & Property


Mrs. Vasi Taufaloa
Senior Manager Finance


Mr. 'Etuate Fonua
Senior Manager Information Technology



Ms. Seneti Lasike
Manager Economics


Ms. Koloisa Tupou
Manager Currency

Ms. 'Ana Kavaliku
Manager Non Banking Supervision

Mrs. Tapule Kuluka
Manager Banking Supervision


Mr. Michael Paea
Manager Information Systems

Mr. Andrew Vaka
Manager Building & Property

The National Reserve Bank of Tonga will cease operation on the following Public Holidays in 2025.


New Year's Day
1 January 2025 | Wednesday
Good Friday 18 April 2025Friday
Easter Monday 21 April 2025Monday
ANZAC Day 25 April 2025 | Friday
Emancipation Day
4 June 2025 | Wednesday
  To be observed on Monday, 2 June 2025
Official Birthday of H.M. King Tupou VI
(Birthday of the Reigning Sovereign)
4 July 2025 | Friday
Birthday of H.R.H Crown Prince Tupouto'a 'Ulukalala
(Birthday of the Heir to the Crown)
17 September 2025 | Wednesday
National Day
4 November 2025 | Tuesday
  To be observed on Monday, 3 November 2025
King Tupou I Day
4 December 2025 | Thursday
  To be observed on Monday, 8 December 2025
Christmas Day 25 December 2025 | Thursday
Boxing Day 26 December 2025 | Friday

For more information about the observations of specific holidays, please refer to the Ministry of Information or the Prime Minister's Office website.

Banks in Tonga

Tonga Government Information

License Type A (Inward & Outward Remittances)

  1. FEXCO Tonga Limited

    Fund Management House,
    Taufa’āhau Road,
    Tel: +(676) 24-345

  2. Rowena Financial Services t/a IMEX Money Transfer

    Molisi Central City,
    Salote Road,
    Tel: +(676) 24-426

  3. KlickEx Trading Ltd

    Upstairs Catholic Women's League Building (Handicrafts)
    Vuna Road, Ma'ufanga,
    Tel: +(676) 22-285

  4. T&T Money Transfer Ltd

    Tēvita Misa Fifita's Building,
    Taufa’āhau Road,
    Tel: +(676) 28-818

  5. Frank Money Transfer

    Namoli Road,
    Tel: +(676) 25-553

  6. Island Flexi Transfer

    Room 18,
    Mosimani Building,
    Tel: +(676) 25-103

  7. Manatu 'Ofa Money Transfer

    Railway Road,
    Tel: +(676) 22-557

  8. 'Ave Pa'anga Pau - Tonga Development Bank

    Tonga Development Bank,
    Tel: +(676) 22-333

  9. Toumu'a Money Transfer Company Ltd

    Taufa'ahau Toad, Haveluloto,
    Tel: +(676) 23-844

  10. Maka Mo’ui Trading Services & Financial Institutions Limited

    Taufa'ahau road, Loumaile Building,
    Tel: +(676) 26-089

License Type B (Inward Remittances Only)

  1. Digicel Tonga Limited t/a Digicel Mobile Money

    Digicel Office,
    Fatafehi Road,
    Tel: +(676) 875-2007

  2. Tonga Post Limited

    Tonga Post Office
    Vaha'akolo Road, Vaololoa,
    Tel: +(676) 21-700

  3. Nikua Money Transfer

    Maumau Koula Road, Tofoa,
    Tel: +(676) 27-657

  4. Joy Trading Company Limited

    F.W.C Business Area,
    Taufa'ahau Road, Fanga 'o Pilolevu
    Tel: +(676) 778-5253

  5. Tokowireless Limited

    Level 1, Pacific Timber Hardware Building,
    Taufa'ahau Road,
    Tel: +(676) 772-7882

License Type C (Foreign Currency Conversion Only

  1. Jones Travel Limited

    Fua'amotu International Airport,
    Tel: +(676) 26-110

Foreign Exchange Dealer under Banking Licenses

  1. MoneyGram Agent - Bank of the South Pacific
    1. Friendly Island Bookshops - MoneyGram Sub Agent to BSP
    2. LunaEva Malapo Branch - MoneyGram Sub Agent to BSP
    3. LunaEva Nuku'alofa Branch - MoneyGram Sub Agent to BSP


Central Banks

International Organizations

logoThe Crown symbolizes and respresents that Tonga is a ruling monarchy and known as the Kingdom of Tonga.

A dove with a spring of olive in his beak represents Hope and positive outlook for Tongan Economy. It also has a red background which is the national color of Tonga.

Our Tonga identity is represented by the Tokelaufeletoa kupesi.

The two lou 'olive as always, represent the Government and the Church which is the foundation of a strong country. In everything we do towards the growth of our economy, we will need the support from the government and the blessings from the church.

It is our vision to be effective and dynamic in promoting Tonga's economic prosperity.

To be an effective and dynamic bank, we need the support and endorsement of the Government and Church and hope for a positive outlook of the Tongan economy through exercising NRBT values: teamwork, excellent, innovative and integrity.

Note – the Crown, under the Royal Arms and Flag Act, it prohibits use of the royal arms and royal ensign without authority. It does not prohibit the use of the Crown. The crown has been used in a archways and banners during coronations and HM’s birthday celebrations. The crown is also seen on product labels, pamphlets.


Director Richard Prema

Mr. Richard Prema
Deputy Chairman

Director Sinai Tu'itahi

Mrs. Sinai Tu'itahi

Joyce Mafi

Mrs. Joyce Mafi

Governor Kioa

Dr. Sione Ngongo Kioa


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