Media Releases for 2019

Exchange Control

Almost all persons are affected by Foreign Exchange Control Act 2018 (the FEC Act) and Exchange Control Directive (the EC Directive) in one way or another. Here are a few tips on how to comply with such regulations.

1. What is Exchange Control and how does it affect me?

Exchange control involves measures to directly control or influence the movement of foreign exchange (inflows and outflows) over Tonga’s borders. The FEC Act and EC Directive prescribe limits on the purchase and sale of foreign currency by persons in Tonga.

A person would be affected by the controls when travelling, giving cash as a gift to someone outside of Tonga, wishing to pay for something ordered from outside of Tonga, e.g. machineries, cars etc., or investing offshore. A complete list is detailed in the EC Directive (page 12 – 17).

2. Why are Exchange Controls Necessary?

Exchange Control is not only used to manage the national demand for foreign currency in order to protect the country’s foreign exchange reserves, but also to allocate available foreign currency in the best interest of the country as a whole. Exchange controls warrant Tonga’s macroeconomic stability by making sure the country’s level of foreign reserves are sufficient to settle the country’s overseas payment obligations e.g. payment of imports, loan repayments and other foreign obligations.

3. Who is responsible for the Administration of Exchange Control in Tonga?

The National Reserve Bank of Tonga (the NRBT) has been tasked by law to regulate the movements of foreign exchange in order to support and maintain the Kingdom’s foreign reserves at minimum level equivalent to at least 3 months of the country’s imports of goods and services. Exchange Control is therefore the responsibility of the NRBT. The NRBT has, in turn, delegated several of these functions to the Authorised Person. The major function of the Authorised Person that are, commercial banks and foreign exchange dealers authorised to deal in foreign currency, is to assist the NRBT with the administration of exchange controls.

All requests/applications for foreign exchange have to be made through the Authorised Person or directly to the NRBT.

The regulatory structure of exchange control therefore comprises of the Exchange Control Unit of the NRBT and the Authorised Person.

4. Why is there a new FEC Act?

The Foreign Exchange Act CAP 103 (promulgated in 1963, now repealed) gave the NRBT broad and unrestricted authority to regulate Tonga’s foreign exchange resources. The NRBT developed the new FEC Act to provide clear boundaries in the national interest and transparency in its process and enforcement.

The new FEC Act enhances the ability of the country to ensure the foreign exchange that is due to Tonga and its residents, are returned back to Tonga to contribute to the country’s economic development and sustainability.

5. How does the new FEC Act differ from the old Act?

The old Act and new FEC Act are similar in its intent and purpose. The key aspects of the old Act were promulgated through its regulations. These key aspects of the old Act and regulations were incorporated into the new FEC Act.

6. What are these key aspects of the old Act and regulations that are incorporated into the new FEC Act?

  1. Acquiring property overseas – Under the regulations of the old Act, any person that wished to acquire property outside Tonga required the consent of the NRBT.
  2. Returning proceeds of export to Tonga – Under the regulations of the old Act, a person in Tonga was required to return to Tonga through an authorised person proceeds from exports of goods or services.

7. Can the NRBT under the new FEC Act give exemptions to section 5 (holding, taking, sending or transferring of gold, foreign exchange etc.) and section 8 (repatriation of export proceeds)?

Yes, under section 9 of the new FEC Act, the NRBT can prescribe exemptions up to a certain limit as it sees in the best interest of the country through EC Directive.

8. Who are the Authorised Person in Exchange in Tonga?

There are currently 16 namely:-

1. Banks

- Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd
- Bank of South Pacific Limited
- MBf Bank Ltd
- Tonga Development Bank

2. Foreign Exchange Dealers – Type A (outward/payment & inward/receipts)

- Fexco (Tonga) Ltd
- Klickex Ltd
- Rowena Finance Services
- SAV Money Transfer
- T&T Money Transfer

3. Foreign Exchange Dealers – Type B (inward/receipts only)

- Digicel Mobile Money
- Frank Money Transfer
- Tonga Post Ltd
- Manatu ‘Ofa Money Transfer
- Fietokoni Financial Services
- Island Flexi Tonga

4. Money Changers – Type C

- Jones Travel Ltd

9. What are the normal procedures to be followed when a person wants to make payment/transfer abroad?

The following are the procedures:

  • Individuals must approach an Authorised Person of their choice for all foreign exchange related needs. Government issued identification in the form of Passport or Identity Document must be presented when dealing in foreign exchange transactions. Where required, suitable documentary evidences e.g. invoice must be submitted in support of foreign exchange sales or purchases. Dealings in foreign currency must only be done at Authorised Person.
  • Payments or Transfers that are not delegated to authorised persons or fall outside the delegated authority limits must be referred to the Reserve Bank together with the relevant documentation for processing.
  • In terms of section 4 of the FEC Act, it is illegal for unauthorised person to buy or sell foreign currency in Tonga.

10. Are there limits to how much I can transfer overseas?

Yes, the EC Directive limits different types of payments or transfer overseas. Please refer to page 12 – 17 of the EC Directive for the details.

11. If I have investments offshore that were acquired prior to the new FEC Act (1 November 2018), am I impacted by the new FEC Act?

No. The NRBT Press Release dated 8th November 2018 directs that any offshore investments made prior to 1 November 2018 is not affected by the new FEC Act 2018.

12. Are residents allowed to invest offshore?


Authorised persons may approve applications for offshore investment by business entities, Retirement Funds, Individuals or any other applicant, up to the delegated limit of T$100,000 per application.

All applications outside of the delegated limit must be approved by the Reserve Bank. Applications for the Reserve Bank’s approval must complete Form E on Attachment 2 of the EC Directive (page 23).All applications are to be accompanied by details of the proposed investment offshore, evidence of source of fund and other relevant supporting documents.

13. How much travel allowance can I take when travelling overseas?

Maximum of TOP$20K per person per travel.

14. What is the permissible cash that each traveller is allowed to hand carry when travelling overseas?

A traveller can hand carry or take a total amount in foreign currency or Tongan paánga notes or coins equivalent to up to TOP$10K. If more than TOP10K then the traveller must seek the approval of the NRBT 3 business days prior to the anticipated departure date.

15. What documentation needs to be presented to the authorised person when applying for my travel allowance?

You are required to present your valid passport and air ticket confirming the journey to be undertaken. The Authorised Person is required to sight the passport, stamp the ticket and retain a copy.

16. How much Foreign Currency in Cash or Otherwise are persons allowed to bring into Tonga?

Persons are permitted to bring into Tonga without limit foreign currency.

In terms of Exchange Control and Customs Regulations persons are required to declare the money in their possession at the point of entry into or exit from Tonga if the total amount of cash is equivalent to TOP$10,000 or above.

17. How much foreign currency in cash can I hold?

As a resident in Tonga, you’re permitted to hold up to TOP$20K equivalent pa’anga in foreign currency.

18. What must I do with any surplus foreign currency?

You are required to sell such currency above TOP$20K back to the Authorised Person.

19. Can I hold a foreign currency account overseas?

Yes. Payments from Tonga to that foreign currency account are subject to the approval of the NRBT.

20. Can I hold a foreign currency account in Tonga?

Yes, subject to the approval of the NRBT.

21. What is the penalty for violating Exchange Controls?

In terms of FEC Act and EC Directive, every person who contravenes or fails to comply with any provision of these shall be guilty of an offence and liable upon conviction to a fine not exceeding 3 years imprisonment or fine not exceeding $20,000 or both for an individual. If the offence is a continuing one then the person is liable to a fine not exceeding $1,000 for every day of the offence. In the case of a body corporate a fine not exceeding $200,000 and if the offence is a continuing one, to a fine not exceeding $2,000 for every day of the offence.

22. What if I have any further questions or concerns about exchange controls?

If you have any further questions on exchange controls, please do not hesitate to contact the National Reserve Bank of Tonga on 24-057 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Pule'i 'o e Fetongi Pa'anga

‘Oku ‘i ai ‘a e ngaahi felālāve’i ‘a e Lao ki hono Pule’i ‘o e Fetongi Pa’anga Muli 2018 mo ‘ene Tu’utu’uni Ngāue´ pea mo e tokolahi ‘o e kakai ‘o e fonua´. Ko e ngaahi fakamatala ‘oku tuku atu ko ‘eniˊ ke tokoni ki ho’o muimui pau ki he ngaahi tu’utu’uni ‘a e Lao ko eniˊ.

1. Ko e hā hono ‘uhinga ‘a e pehē “pule’i ‘o e fetongi pa’anga muliˊ” pea ko e hā ‘ene kaunga kiate au?

Ko hono pule’i ‘o e fetongi pa’anga muliˊ ‘oku kau kiai ‘a hono tokanga’i pe ko hono fakafuofua’i ‘a e nga’unu ‘o e fetongi pa’anga muli’ ‘o tatau pe ki he pa’anga hū mai ki Tonga niˊ mo e pa’anga hū atu ki muli. Kuo tuku mai ‘e he Lao ki hono Pule’i ‘o e Fetongi Pa’anga Muli 2018 mo ‘ene Tu’utu’uni Ngāue´ ‘a e lahitaha ‘o e pa’anga muli teke ala ‘o fakatau mai, pe fakatau atu ‘e ha taha ‘i Tonga ni.

‘E toki kaunga pe ‘a e Lao ko eniˊ kiate koe ‘okapau teke folau pea ke fiema’u ha pa’anga keke folau moia, pe ko ha’o talafi ha’o seniti ko ha’o me’a’ofa ki ha tokotaha ‘oku ‘i tu’apule’anga, pē ko ha’o totongi ha koloa ke uta mai mei tu’apule’anga, ‘o hangē ko ha ngaahi misini, me’alele, mo e alaa me’a pehee, pe ko ha’o ‘inivesi ‘i muli. Ko e lisi kakato ki he ngaahi me’a ni ‘oku fakaikiiki atu ia ‘i he Tohi Tu’utu’uni ki he Pule’i ‘o e Fetongi Pa’anga Muliˊ (EC Directive peesi 12 - 17).

2. Ko e hā e ‘uhinga ‘oku fiema’u ai ke pule’i e fetongi pa’anga muliˊ?

Ko hono pule’i ‘o e fetongi pa’anga muliˊ ‘oku ‘ikai ke fakataumu’a taha pe ki hono leva’i e fiema’u pa’anga muli ‘a e fonuaˊ ke malu’i e pa’anga mohe pe pa’anga talifaki ‘a e fonuaˊ ‘i muliˊ, kā ‘oku toe ‘aonga foki eni ki hono vahevahe taau ‘o e pa’anga muli’ ki he lelei fakalukufua ‘a e fonuaˊ. ‘Oku poupou’i ‘e he pule’i ‘o e fetongi pa’anga muli’ ‘a e ma’uma’uluta ‘a e tu’unga faka’ekonōmika’ ‘i hono fakapapau’i ‘oku ‘iai ‘a e pa’anga fe’unga ke totongi fakafoki ‘aki ‘a e ngaahi mo’ua ‘a e fonuaˊ ki tu’apule’anga ‘o hangē ko e totongi ki he ngaahi koloa hūmai, ngaahi totongi fakafoki ‘o e nō, mo e ngaahi mo’ua kehe ‘i muli.

3. Ko hai ‘oku ne fatongia’aki ‘a hono tokanga’i mo hono pule’i ‘o e fetongi pa’anga muli ‘i Tonga?

Ko e fatongia eni ‘o e Pangikē Puleˊ ‘i hono tu’utu’uni’i ‘e he Laoˊ, ke pule’i ‘a e ngaahi ngāue kotoa pe fekau’aki mo e fetongi pa’anga muliˊ ke fakapapau’i ‘e ‘i he tu’unga fakafiemālie ‘a e pa’anga talifaki ‘a e fonuaˊ ke kei ma’olunga pe ‘i hono fakatatau ki he māhina ‘e 3 ‘o e ngaahi koloa mo e ngaahi sēvesi ‘oku hū mai ki Tonga niˊ.

‘Oku toki vahevahe atu leva ‘e he Pangikē Puleˊ ha konga ‘o e ngaahi fatongia’ni kia kinautolu kotoa pē kuo ‘osi fakamafai (authorised persons). Ko e tefitoí fatongia ó kinautolu kotoa pē kuo ‘osi fakamafai (authorised persons), ‘o kau ki heni ‘a e ngaahi pangikē fakakomēsiale pea mo e ngaahi kautaha fakafetongi pa’angaˊ í heéne felaveí mo e lao ko eniˊ, ko e tokoni ki he Pangikē Puleˊ ‘i hono siofi mo tokanga’i ‘o e pule’i ‘o e ngaahi fakafetongi pe feáveáki pa’anga muliˊ.

Ko e kole fakafetongi pe feáveáki pa’anga muli kotoa pē kuo pau ke fou ia ‘i he ngaahi kautaha kuo fakamafaií ‘e he Pangikē Puleˊ pe ko e kole hangatonu mai pe ki he Pangikē Puleˊ.

Ko hono fakahoko leva ‘a e fatongia ni óku í he malumalu ia ó e tafa’aki ‘oku nau tokanga’i ‘a hono pule’i ‘a e fetongi pa’anga muli ‘a e Pangikē Puleˊ pea pehē foki ki he ngaahi kautaha kuo fakamafaií ke nau fakahoko ‘a e ngāue’ni.

4. Ko e hā á e úhinga óku ái ai e Lao fo’ou ki hono Pule’i ‘o e Fetongi Pa’anga Muliˊ?

‘Oku ‘oange ‘e he Lao Fetongi Pa’anga Muli CAP 103 (naé tukuatu‘i he 1963, ka kuo ‘osi fakapekia) ki he Pangikē Pule Fakafonua ‘o Tonga΄ e mafai ta’efakangatangata ke fai tu’utu’uni ki he ngaahi me’angaue fakafetongi pa’anga muli ‘í Tonga ni΄. Na’e fo’u leva ‘e he Pangikē Pule Fakafonua ‘o Tonga΄ ‘a e lao fo’ou ko eni ki he Fetongi Pa’anga Muli΄ ke ne fakamahino á e ngaahi fakangatangata ki he ngaahi fiemaú ‘a e fonua΄ pea mo toe ái ke mahino ange á e anga hono fakahoko á hono founga puleí΄.

‘Oku hanga ‘e he Lao fo’ou ki he Fetongi Pa’anga Muli΄ ‘o fakalelei’i e mafia fakalao ‘o e fonua΄ ke fakapapau’i ko e ngaahi pa’anga muli koia ‘oku totonu ke fakafoki mai ki Tonga ni΄ ‘e fakafoki mai ke tokoni ki he langalanga hake mo e ma’uma’uluta e tu’unga faka-‘ekonōmika ‘o e fonua΄.

5. Ko e hā leva e faikehekehe ‘o e lao foóu ki he Fetongi Pa’anga Muli mei he lao motuá?

Ko e lao fo’ou΄ mo e lao motu’a΄ ‘oku΄na taumu’a tatau pē. Ko e ngaahi tafa’aki tefito ‘o e lao motu’a΄ na’e fakahoko atu ia ‘i hono ngaahi tu’utu’uni΄ (regulations). Ko e ngaahi tafa’aki tefito ‘o e lao motu’aˊ ai pe pea mo hono ngaahi tu’utu’uni΄ (regulations) na’e toe fakahū pe ia ki he lao fo’ou ki he Fetongi Pa’anga Muli 2018.

6. Ko e hā leva ‘a e ngaahi tafa’aki tefito ‘o e lao motu’a΄ mo hono ngaahi tu’utu’uniˊ (regulations) na’e fakakau ki he lao fo’ou΄?

  1. Ko hono fakatau ‘o ha koloa ‘i muli (‘o hangē ko ha fakatau ‘api pe kelekele) – ‘I he ngaahi tu’utu’uni (regulations) ‘o e lao motu’a΄, ka ‘i ai ha taha ‘oku loto ke fakatau haáne koloa ‘i muli, ‘oku fiema’u ‘a e ngofua mei΄he Pangikē Pule Fakafonua ‘o Tongaˊ.
  2. Fakafoki mai ki Tonga ni ‘a e pa’anga ma’u mei he ngaahi koloa hū atu – ‘I he ngaahi tu’utu’uni (regulations) ‘o e lao motu’a΄, ko ha tokotaha ‘i Tonga ni na’a ne hū atu ha’ane koloa ki tu’apule’anga, kuopau ke ne fakafoki mai ki Tonga ni e pa’anga na’a ne ma’u mei΄he koloa hū atu ki tu’apule’anga΄.

7. ‘E lava ‘e he Pangikē Pule Fakafonua ‘o Tonga΄ ‘i he malumalu ‘o e lao fo’ou ki he Fetongi Pa’anga Muli΄ ‘o faka’atā ha ngaahi me’a ‘i he Kupu 5 (tauhi, to’o, ‘ave pe tuku atu ‘o e koula, fetongi pa’anga mo e ngaahi me’a kehe) pea mo e Kupu 8 (fakafoki ‘o e pa’anga hū mai mei΄he koloa hū atu ki tu’apule’anga΄)?

‘Io, ‘i he malumalu ‘o e Kupu 9 ‘o e lao fo’ou ki he Fetongi Pa’anga Muliˊ, ‘e lava ‘e he Pangikē Pule Fakafonua ‘o Tonga΄ ke fokotu’u ha ngaahi faka’atā ‘o a’u ki ha fakangatangata pau ‘o makatu’unga mei he’ene vakai ki he’ene lelei ko ia ki he fonuaˊ, ‘o fakafou ‘i he Tohi Tu’utu’uni ki hono pule’i ‘o e lao ko eni (EC Directive).

8. Ko hai fua ‘a e Tokotaha kuo fakamafai’i (Authorised Person) ke fakahoko ‘a e fetongi pa’angaˊ ‘i Tongaˊni?

‘Oku fe’unga mo e toko 16 ‘i he lolotonga΄ni:-

1. Ngaahi Pangikē

- Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd
- Bank of South Pacific Limited
- MBf Bank Ltd
- Tonga Development Bank

2. Ngaahi Kautaha Fetongi Pa’anga – Kalasi A (hū atu mo hū mai)

- Fexco (Tonga) Ltd
- Klickex Ltd
- Rowena Finance Services
- SAV Money Transfer
- T&T Money Transfer

3. Ngaahi Kautaha Fetongi Pa’anga – Kalasi B (hū mai ‘ata’ata)

- Digicel Mobile Money
- Frank Money Transfer
- Tonga Post Ltd
- Manatu ‘Ofa Money Transfer
- Fietokoni Financial Services
- Island Flexi Tonga

4. Fakafetongi/Vete Pa’anga – Kalasi C

- Jones Travel Ltd

9. Ko e ha ‘a e founga ke muimui ai ha taha ‘oku fiema’u ke ‘ave/talafi pa’anga ki muli?

Ko e ngaahi founga ngaue eni ke fakahoko:

  • Fetu’utaki ki he pangikē pe kautaha fetongi pa’anga muli kuo ke filiˊ, fekau’aki mo ho’o ngaahi fiema’u fetongi pe talafi pa’anga muliˊ. Fakahā ha’o tohi fakamo’oni hangē ko ha Paasipooti pe ko ha ID fakapule’anga ‘i he taimi ‘oku ke fakahoko ai ha fetongi pe talafi pa’anga muli. ‘E ‘i ai e taimi ‘e toe fiema’u ai mo ha ngaahi tohi fakamo’oni kehe hangē ko ha ‘inivoisi ke ne poupou’i ho’o fiema’u talafi pa’anga muliˊ. Fakatokanga’i ange ‘oku fakahoko pe ‘a e ngaahi ngaue fetongi pe talafi pa’anga muliˊ ‘i ha pangikē pe kautaha kuo ‘osi laiseni ke nau fakahoko e ngaahi sēvesi ko iaˊ.
  • Ko e ngaahi totongi pe talafi pa’anga kotoa pe ‘oku ma’olunga hake he fakangatangata ‘oku ‘oange ki he ngaahi pangikē mo e ngaahi kautaha talafi pa’angaˊ, ‘oku fiema’u ke ke ‘ave ia ki he Pangikē Puleˊ fakataha mo ho’o ngaahi tohi fakamo’oniˊ ke fakangofua mei ai.
  • Fakatatau ki he Kupu 4 ‘o e Lao ki hono pule’i ‘o e Fetongi Pa’anga muliˊ, ‘oku tapu ke fakahoko ‘e ha tokotaha pe kautaha ‘a e ngaahi ngaue fetongi pe talafi pa’anga muli ‘i Tonga niˊ ‘okapau ‘oku te’eki ke ma’u ha’anau laiseni.

10. ‘Oku ‘i ai ha fakangatangata ‘o e lahi ‘o e pa’anga ‘oku malava keˊu talafi ki muli?

‘Io, ‘oku hā ‘i he Tohi Tu’utu’uni ki hono pule’i ‘o e Fetongi Pa’anga Muliˊ (EC Directive) ‘a e ngaahi taumu’a kehekehe ‘o e totongi pa’anga ki muli pea mo hono ngaahi fakangatangata. Kātaki ‘o vakai ki he peesi 12-17 ‘o e Tohi Tu’utu’uni ki hono fakaikiikiˊ.

11. Kapau na’e ‘i ai ha’aku ‘inivesi ‘i muli na’e fakahoko kimu’a ia he taimi ne toki paasi ai ‘a e Lao fo’ou (1 Nōvema 2018) ko eni ki hono Pule’i ‘a e Fetongi Pa’anga Muli, ‘oku kau nai ‘eku ‘inivesimeni ko iaˊ hono uesia he Lao fo’ou ko eniˊ?

‘Ikai. Hangē ko ia ne ‘osi fakaha atu he Fanongonongo ‘a e Pangike Puleˊ he ‘aho 8 ‘o Nōvema 2018, ‘oku hā mahino ai ‘e ‘ikai ke kau ‘a e ngaahi ‘inivesimeni kotoa pe ne ‘osi fakahoko kimu’a he ‘aho 1 ‘o Nōvema 2018 ‘i hono uesia ‘e he Lao fo’ouˊ.

12. ‘Oku kei ngofua pe nai ki ha tokotaha Tonga ke ‘inivesi ‘i muli? ‘Io.

‘Oku ‘atā pe ki he ngaahi pangikē mo e ngaahi kautaha talafi pa’anga muliˊ ke nau fakahoko ‘a e ngaahi totongi pa’anga ki ha ‘inivesimeni ‘i muli ‘a ha ngaahi pisinisi taautaha, Kautaha Vāhenga Mālōlō, Tokotaha taautaha pe ko ha toe taha kehe pe, ka ‘e fakangatangata pe ‘a e lahi ‘o e pa’anga te nau lava ‘o fakangofuaˊ ki he T$100,000.

Ki ha toe fiema’u ‘inivesi ‘o lahi ange he fakangatangata ‘o e T$100,000 ‘oku fiema’u ia ke ‘uluaki ma’u ha’o ngofua mei he Pangike Puleˊ. Ko e ngaahi kole ngofua ko eniˊ ‘e fakafonu mai ia ‘i hono fakakakato mai ‘o e Foomu E ‘a ia ‘oku hā atu he peesi 23 ‘o e Tohi Tu’utu’uni ki he Fetongi pa’anga muliˊ. Ko e ngaahi kole ngofua kotoa pe ‘oku fiema’u ke ‘omai fakataha mo e ngaahi fakaikiiki ‘o e ‘inivesimeni ‘oku ‘amanaki ke fakahokoˊ, pehē ki ha ngaahi fakamo’oni ‘o e ma’u’anga pa’anga, mo ha toe ngaahi fakamatala kehe pe te ne poupou’i ‘a ho’o kole ngofuaˊ.

13. Ko e ha e lahi e pa’anga ‘oku malava keˊte folau mo ia ki muli?

Pa’anga Muli ‘o ‘ikai toe ‘ova hake hono mahu’inga ‘i he pa’anga Tonga he $20,000.

14. Ko e ha e lahi e pa’anga Tonga ‘oku ngofua ki ha taha folau ke ne to’oto’o ‘o folau moia ki tu’apule’anga?

‘Oku ‘atā ki he taha folauˊ ke ne to’oto’o (hand carry) ha pa’anga muli ko hono mahu’ingaˊ ‘oku ‘ikai ke toe ‘ova ‘i he pa’anga Tonga ‘e $10,000. Kapau ‘oku pehē ‘e he taha folauˊ ‘oku ‘ova ‘ene pa’anga ‘oku ‘amanaki ke folau mo iaˊ ‘i he mahu’inga ‘o e pa’anga Tonga ko e $10,000, pea kuo pau ke ne kole ha ngofua mei he Pangike Puleˊ ki mu’a he ‘aho ‘e 3 mei he ‘aho ‘oku ‘amanaki ke fakahoko ai e folauˊ.

15. Ko e hā e ngaahi tu’utu’uni fakapepa ‘oku fiema’u ke fakahā ki he Tokotaha kuo ‘osi fakamafaiˊ (authorised person) ‘i he taimi ‘oku te fakahoko ai ha’ate kole ki ha’ate fetongi pa’anga kete folau moia?

Kuopau ke fakahā ho’o paasipootiˊ mo e tikite folauˊ ke fakapapau’i ‘oku fai e folau. ‘Oku fiema’u leva e Tokotaha fakamafaiˊ ‘a ia ‘oku kau kiai ‘a e ngaahi pangikē mo e ngaahi kautaha talafi pa’angaˊ ke nau sio ki he paasipootiˊ, sitapa’i e tikite folauˊ pea tuku mo ha’anau tatau ‘o e ngaahi pepa ko eniˊ.

16. Ko e hā e lahi e pa’anga muli ‘i he lau’i pa’anga pe ko ha toe founga ‘e taha ‘e lava ke ‘omi ‘e ha tokotaha ki Tonga ni?

‘Oku ‘atā pe ki ha fa’ahinga taha ke ne ‘omai ha fa’ahinga lahi ‘o ha pa’anga muli ki Tonga ni.

Kae fakatatau ki he Tu’utu’uni Ngāue ki hono Pule’i ‘o e Fetongi Pa’anga Muliˊ mo e Tu’utu’uni Ngāue ‘a e Potungāue Kasitomuˊ kuo pau ke fakahā ‘e he tokotaha folauˊ ‘ene pa’angaˊ ki he Kasitomuˊ ‘i he’ene hū mai ki Tonga niˊ pe hū atu mei Tonga niˊ, ‘okapau ‘oku a’u ‘ene pa’angaˊ ki he mahu’inga ‘o e pa’anga Tonga ko e $10,000 pe lahiange ai.

17. Ko e hā e lahi e pa’anga muli ‘oku totonu keu pukepuke ‘o ‘ikai fakafetongi?

‘Oku ‘ataa ki he tangata’i fonua Tonga kotoa pe, ke ne pukepuke ‘o ‘ikai fakafetongi ha pa’anga muli ‘o fe’unga hono mahu’inga mo e pa’anga Tonga ko e $20,000.

18. Ko e hā e me’a teu fai ‘oka pau ‘oku ‘i ai ha’aku pa’anga muli?

‘Oku fiema’u ke ke fakafetongi ‘i he ngaahi pangikē pe kautaha fakafetongi pa’angaˊ ‘a e pa’anga muli ‘oku ke ma’u ka ‘oku ‘ova hake hono mahu’inga ‘i he pa’anga Tonga ‘e $20,000.

19. ‘Oku malava nai ke ‘iai ha’aku ‘akauni pangike ‘i muli?


20. ‘Oku malava nai keˊu fakaava ha’aku ‘akauni pangikē pa’anga muli ‘i Tongaˊni?

‘Io, ka kuopau pe ke ‘oatu e ngofua ko iaˊ meiˊhe Pangikē Pule Fakafonua ‘a Tongaˊ.

21. Ko e hā e tautea ‘okapau ‘e maumau’i ‘e ha taha e ngaahi tu’utu’uni ko eni fekau’aki mo e fakafetongi pe fefakatau’aki pa’angaˊ?

Kuo fakamafai’i ‘e he Lao ki he Pule’i ‘o e Fetongi Pa’anga Muliˊ mo e Tu’utu’uni Ngāue ki hono Pule’i ‘o e Fetongi Pa’anga Muliˊ, ke hilifaki ha ngaahi tautea kiate kinautolu kotoa pē teˊnau maumau’i ‘a e ngaahi tu’utu’uni kuo tuku atu ‘e he Pangikē Puleˊ ‘i he Lao ni ‘o ‘ikai toe laka hake he tautea ngāue pōpula ta’u ‘e 3 pe ko e mo’ua totongi pa’anga ‘o ‘oua ‘e toe laka hake he $20,000 pe ko e fakatou’osi. Pea kapau ko e tokotahaˊ ‘oku ne toutou fakahoko hono maumau’i ‘a e ngaahi tu’utu’uni ko ‘eniˊ pea ke tautea’i pa’anga ‘e $1,000 he ‘aho kotoa teˊne maumau’i ai e laoˊ mo e ngaahi tu’utu’uniˊ. ‘Oka maumau’i ‘e ha pisinisi, pea ‘e hilifaki e tauteaˊ ‘o ‘ikai toe laka hake he $200,000. Pea kapau ‘e hokohoko atu ai pe hono maumau ’i e laoˊ pea ‘e totongi e pa’anga ‘o ‘oua ‘e toe laka hake he $2,000 he ‘aho kotoa tenau maumau’i ai e laoˊni.

22. Ko e hā e me’a teu fai kapau ‘oku kei ‘i ai pe ha’aku ngaahi fehu’i fekau’aki mo e ngaahi tu’utu’uni ki he fetongi pa’angaˊ?

Kātaki ‘o fetu’utaki mai kia Pangike Pule Fakafonua 'o Tonga ki he telefoni 24-057 pe ki he ‘imeili This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. kapau ‘oku ‘i ai ha’o fehu’i fekau’aki mo e fefakatau’aki pa’anga muliˊ.

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